You were, you are, and you will be That

Question: Ramana mentioned I-I.

Karl Renz: Yes, that’s the Zero-Zero. No he was not there, because in I-I no one can be. The I of the I there is neither one nor no one. It’s like the essence of the essence. Because the essence of the essence doesn’t know any essence. By not knowing what he was and what he is, he is that what is That, knowledge, call it anything. But it itself could not call it anything. Ramana never claim to know himself. He was never claiming anything. He just point it out – is like a street sign, the direction. But he never told you what one is. Because no one ever will know what one is.

So he never made it an object or subject, both dropped. Neither subject or object, or anything. You may call it Absolute. But it’s just a pointer. The I of the I. Because if you are the I of the I, the I drops. And then there is the carelessness. But even that is not it. So what does he say? You were, you are, and you will be That, but That never knows what it is. No one ever pronounce or define That. So you are the Absolute definer, but you never can be defined by anything. Not even by yourself. And by that nothing is fine enough for you.

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