Karl Renz

Your bloody nature is meditation

Question: In the Tao the last sentence is “everyday you don’t make the meditation is one day you lost”.

Karl Renz: Absolutely and I agree.

Question: What is this?

Karl Renz: I tell you, absolutely – any moment without meditation is a lost moment. How not to meditate? Your bloody nature is meditation. That’s all. And when there is a moment, there is a meditator. And any moment there is a meditator, there is one moment lost. I am absolutely agree with the Tao.

No, that is what Ramana called your natural state which is meditation. When you are active, when you are awake – meditation is what you are.

Question: So what you do?

Karl Renz: There is no doing in it. There is meditation. Meditation is your nature. And the nature of consciousness is meditation. And meditation is absolute action and absolute reaction. And in this absolute action there is no expectation of any kind of result. That is meditation.

And any moment you are not that what is meditation is a lost moment. Because there is time, there is a meditator expecting something coming out of meditation. That is suffering. So, Tao, I agree.

You have to see what meditation is. And any moment when there is a meditator is work. Do you want to be working? Or you want to be the laziest bastard what you already are.

Question: It doesn’t matter what I want.

Karl Renz: I am telling you what you are. You are the laziest bastard you can be. As you are Existence itself. And by waking up not waking up. And meditation is your nature.

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