
Ranjit Maharaj: Nothing to worry about anything. If you want Zero, I have got nothing with me. I have given you everything. Go after Zero, run after Zero.

Say, “I never needed anything.” What are you going to take? Everybody wants to take Zero. Why you should worry? You can’t change the Reality. The one who gets Reality, then? he becomes He!

It’s a dirty thing… (the body). Sure to go one day. How many days are you going to keep intact? It’s sure to go one day. What to do? If it goes to the devil, what harms Him? If it remains, ok! He gives everything. Ok. You are in habit to have bad things and not good things. What to do. What is attractive to you? Mind says, “Next thing.” And you want all of this. The mind gives the wrong things. What to do. Mind doesn’t give the real attraction. Reality is always there. What can attract the Reality? How the Reality should attract you? It’s everywhere… Do everything, but understand that it is nothing, I do nothing. Say that, “I am the Reality, without anything.” Be That, and that is the best way.

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